Our Events

Regular Events

Tadarrus Al-Qur'an (Ngaji)
Every Tuesday
6.00pm - 'Isyak

Y.O.U.R. Night
Every alternate Friday
After Maghrib - 10.30pm

Muslim Thinkers Academy
Every alternate Friday
After Maghrib - 10.30pm
Registrations closed

Upcoming Events

Looking for ways to increase your rewards by doing good deeds in Ramadhan?

Join us Fataa & Zahra Ennaeem in giving back to the community this Ramadhan with our annual Youth-In-Charge programme!

What we've got in store for you:
*Bubur Preparation, Packing & Distribution*
*Mass Mosque Cleaning*
*Visit to Homes for the Needy*
*Mass Iftar and Terawih*

& many more!

to 8338 3850 or 9868 5848 NOW to avoid disappointment!

NEMC RYC 3D2N camp is back!!

This year, the youth wings of the North-East Mosque Cluster (NEMC), namely Al-Fitwah (Al-Mawaddah mosque), Al-Muhafizoon (Alkaff Kg Melayu mosque), Arrijal (al-Istiqamah mosque), Al-Fataa & Az-Zahra (Ennaeem mosque), Fityan (Darul Ghufran mosque) and Wildan (Al-Istighfar), brings to YOU the NEMC Ramadan Youth Camp 2011, by the theme
“La ‘Allakum Ta Taqun"

To register, simply walk in to the above mentioned mosque admin counter and say "I WANT TO JOIN NEMC RYC CAMP!" you'll then be given a form. Bring it home and get your parents to sign. Pass it back to the mosque with the $20 payment asap! Do bring your friends along.

Target participant 14-18 years old. First come first serve basis. 100 participant maximum. While stock last.

Highlights of the camp include:
- Night of Power
- Tadarrus Al-Quran
- Hari Kiamat Telematch
- Street Da'wah
- Diorama
- Skit by the talented NEMC committee

When NEMC youth leaders combine forces, expect a memorable camp. Expect the unexpected~ :D

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