29 May 2009

Muslim Thinkers Roadshow @ Madrsah Al-Irsyad

Al-Irsyad express their interest of having us to conduct a Muslim Thinkers Roadshow for them. Therefore, they had invited us to the school to conduct the roadshow for their P4 to Sec1 students. It was a privilege to be able to conduct a roadshow in Al-Irsyad. Why not, its a new building, new facilities, new environment, everything is new! and its right beside the Singapore Islamic Hub.... Subhanallah, indeed, having a madrasah, the islamic hub and a mosque build side by side is a view and experience not to be missed. Alhamdulillah, the workshop went well, the students were very active, responsive and interesting. And they ask a lot of questions too..... i really hope that other schools and madrasahs will invite us soon! InsyaAllah July.... Al-Maarif Instituition........

quoted from : Abg Wan

Opening Of Workshop By Abg Wan
Speaker of Workshop Ustaz Noor
Al-Irsyad Students in SIH Auditorium


MHDS Youth is proud to present...
Assalamu'alaikum to our Muslim brothers and sisters!
May you be in the best state of health and iman, Amin!

"Aku & Dia: Permulaan Langkah Baru"
A camp for youths where you will
discover your purpose on this earth as young muslims,
know your innerselves,
witness the realities of a teenager's life and a lot more!

For more details, do visit our site at
Registration form & Things-to-bring List
can be found under the "Downloads" tab.

Please submit your forms and payment to
En-Naeem Mosque (office hours) or
Al Kaff Serangoon Mosque (Friday, between magrib-isyak).

Any enquiries, feel free to email us at
contact Qhairul (98624951)/ Raihanah (91897740)

See you there!!!
~event supported by En-Naeem Mosque~


Madrasah Al-Irsyad & Masjid Muhajirin
24-26 April 2009
Ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak LPM kerana telah menghantar kami(hid.sya.dee) untuk menyertai kem ITQAN yang telah diadakan pada 24-26April yang lalu.
Alhamdullilah, kem tersebut telah memberi kesan kepada kami. Ia sungguh bermanfaat, terutama sekali bagi kami yang akan memimpin para belia dan rakan-rakan yang lain di masa yang akan datang, insyaAllah.

Berkongsi Pengalaman
"Dengan menghadiri kem tersebut, saya mempelajari banyak tentang ciri-ciri yang harus ada di dalam setiap pemimpin. Yang paling penting ialah, semua yang diajarkan/disampaikan berlandaskan Al-Quran. Saya merasakan bahawa kem tersebut dapat menerapkan ITQAN di dalam diri masing-masing dengan berkesan/efektif.
Saya berasa sangat bersyukur kerana telah menghadiri kem tersebut. Selain mengajar saya untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang berjaya, ia juga telah menambahkan lagi semangat saya untuk menyumbang kepada masyarakat. InsyaAllah, selepas ini, saya akan membawa apa yang dipelajari sepanjang hidup saya dan juga akan berkongsi bersama teman-teman seperjuangan yang lain.
Di sini, saya ingin berkongsi sedikit sebanyak tentang apa yang telah dipelajari sewaktu meghadiri kem ITQAN.
Sebelum memulakan apa sahaja tugas yang diberikan, kita seharusnya tahu apakah matlamat atau objektif yang ingin dikecapi. Pelajaran ini disampaikan melalui aktiviti “cari siapa yang?”. Menerusi aktiviti ini juga, kita dapat muhasabah diri sama ada kita ada berterima kasih kepada orang yang telah membantu kita menyelesaikan tugas yang telah diberikan. Semua yang dilakukan juga haruslah bersertakan niat. Niat yang ikhlas. Fokus di dalam kem ITQAN ialah untuk membina nilai-nilai seorang pemimpin melalui 5 pasak iaitu ITQAN-integrity.teamwork.quwwah.ambasaddor.new age.
KULIAH SUBUH- Bercita-citalah Kamu
Disampaikan oleh Ustaz Hasan. Apa yang dapat dipelajari menerusi kuliah subuh ini ialah manusia harus bercita-cita. Seseorang itu tidak harus membiarkan isu di depan mata menghalangnya daripada mencapai cita-citanya. Contoh boleh didapati daripada kisah perang Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Dua tabiat agama: semuanya serba lengkap/teratur/hebat kerana ianya ciptaan ALLAH, manusia harus bekerjasama(pengembelengan tenaga).
Untuk berhikmah, pentingnya untuk kita mempunyai ilmu. Namun, seseorang yang mepunyai ilmu itu tidak semestinya dia seorang yang berhikmah. Untuk memiliki sifat integriti, amat pentingnya seseorang itu mengenali dirinya sendiri dahulu. Dengan mengetahui bagaimana untuk mengurusi lima elemen dalam diri kita(jasad.ruh.nafsu.aqal.hati), kita dapat menjaga integriti. Integriti amat penting dalam diri seseorang pemimpin. Yang melakukan/mengendalikan-jasad. Yang mencadangkan- akal dan nafsu.
Yang membuat keputusan-hati. Mengenal diri menerusi “creation of Adam”. Integriti boleh dicontohi menerusi kisah Nabi Yusuff a.s. (Zulaikha challenge) dan kisah Sumayyah dan Yasir.
Paradigma Tauhid-
Dunia dan akhirat adalah satu walaupun dipisahkan oleh mati. Integriti si dunia akan disoal jawab di akhirat. Satu titik di dunia akan ditayangkan di akhirat. Dunia ialah pentas ujian sebelum memasuki alam akhirat.
Jika orang kafir boleh bekerjasama, mengapa tidak orang Islam? Tetapi apa yang membuatkan kerjasama sesama Islam dan yang bukan Islam berlainan adalah hati orang Islam terikat sewaktu mereka mengerjakan sesuatu bersama-sama, sementara bagi yang bukan Islam, mereka hanya bekerjasama dari segi fisikal sahaja. Hati mereka mungkin tidak bersatu. Terdapat banyak bilangan surah yang dapat menegaskan betapa pentingnya kerjasama di dalam hidup ini.
1)Seorang pemimpin tidak semestinya yang selalu harus memulakan sesuatu. Malah, ahli kumpulan yang lain juga boleh membantu pemimpin tersebut dalam mengendalikan sesuatu. Sokongan amat penting dalam sebuah kumpulan. Semua orang memainkan peranan.
2)Mengumpulkan segala cadangan dari setiap orang di dalam kumpulan dapat membantu mencapai matlamat. Semua orang memberi idea supaya idea yang asal dapat berkembang.
3)Berfikir secara positif. Hati mesti bersatu dan tidak boleh ada permusuhan. Mencari jalan yang sesuai dan strategik untuk mencapai matlamat. Harus menghapuskan dendam di dalam hati kerana ia boleh menjatuhkan maruah dan integrity akan hilang.
Penting untuk mengingati lima perkara ini. 1)Bersikap lembut. 2)Memaafkan yang lain. 3)Mendoa/Meminta agar Allah memaafkan mereka. 3)Meneruskan syurah(perbincangan). 5)Taubah. Bersyakwasangka adalah musuh kita.
Mengajar kita bahawa walaupun kita berasa kurang senang dengan sesiapa yang ada di dalam kumpulan kita, ita tidak seharusnya menunjukkan kemarahan tersebut, malah ingatlah 5 perkara yang telah disebutkan tadi. Setiap yang dilakukan pasti ada cabarannya. Maka haruslah dihadapi dengan penuh iman.

Tidak menyerang tetapi menggunakan bahasa yang baik. Mengapa perlu begitu? Sebagai seorang yang menjadi “ambassador” bagi sesebuah masjid atau organisasi, kita haruslah menunjukkan contoh yang baik kerana ramai yang melihat. Apa yang dilakukan atau ditonjolkan akan menjejas reputasi atau imej masjid/organisasi tersebut. Untuk menyebarkan dakwah, kita haruslah menjadi seseorang yang bersesuaian dengan apa yang disebarkan.
Cara memberi salam atau menegur seseorang adalah penting dalam menjaga penampilan dan identiti kita. “SALAM MESRA” adalah bahasa badan dan bahasa lisan yang patut dikendalikan setiap kali kita memberi salam kepada orang lain.
Bagaimana minda kita berfikir? 1)Study images. 2)Can’t differentiate reality and imagination. 3)Body will reacts to what it thinks is a reality. Dengan mempunyai sesuatu yang dipanggil “vision board”, secara tidak langsung, kita akan bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan. Kita akan “work towards it”. Sesi “Mind Travel” oleh Bro Helmi, benar-benar membawa kita ke zaman yang lalu, kini dan akan datang. Brothers and sisters menitiskan air mata kerana kami membayangkan saat-saat manis yang sering dilupakan, terutama sekali pengorbanan ibu bapa, dan menangis apabila membayangkan jasad ditanam ke bumi seorang diri di dalam kegelapan dengan penuh penyesalan kerana tidak mengecapi cita-cita atau segala yang diinginkan di dunia dan juga untuk persiapan di hari akhirat. Oleh itu, mulai sekarang, kita harus tahu apa yang ingin dikecapi dan berkerja keras untuk mengecapinya.
Kelima-lima pasak ini amat penting bagi pemimpin-pemimpin/youth leaders yang bakal memimpin brothers and sisters yang lain kerana setiap pasak mempunyai kepentingan yang sendiri. Ia harus digabungkan supaya kita dapat menjadi pemimpin yang menuju ke jalan bahagia di dunia dan di akhirat.
InsyaAllah semua orang akan memanfaati daripadanya. ITQAN camp, sesuatu yang tidak merugikan sehingga bila-bila.

Hingga di sini sahaja perkongsian saya tentang apa yang dipelajari di kem tersebut. Semoga brothers and sisters yang lain dapat mempelajari perkara yang sama dan memanfaatinya."
Sekian~Sis Hid


Salam Sisters and Brothers!
Thank YOU to those who attended MYS!
We hope that you benefited from it and
do come back to support us! More photos on FB!


Assalamualaikum Brothers and Sisters,
InsyaAllah next week,
Saturday 18th April 2009
En-Naeem Mosque Youth Wing will be having
a Pre-Exam mental and spiritual preparation
which consist of motivational talk and qiyamullail etc.

"Mind Your Soul"

Sat 18th Apr to Sun 19th April

5:30pm to 7:00am

En-Naeem Mosque

Only $5 per person! (Foods will be provided)

This program is suitable for secondary students and above,

plus parents are also welcomed!

Among the list of the programme are:
examination studying tips
movie screening
I'm looking at me (self-reflection)
moments with HIM (qiyam)
why knowledge?

To register please call 6287 9225
Closing date for reg. 17th April 09!
Please disseminate this humble info,


Dr Danial Bin Zainal Abidin

On 4th of April, the F.A.Z members went for a motivational talk at Masjid Sultan, Arab St.
Main Topics/Issues:
1)formulas utk memperbaiki diri
2)cun bersama quran
3)the difference btwn the bible etc and alquran...
4)the people who converted to Islam aftr mengkaji quran

Let's touch a little bit on point 3.
Kalau kita membuat perbandingan di antara bible dan Al-Quran, di dalam bible, ia lebih banyak mengutuk tentang para anbiyak manakala Al-Quran memuji.
Selain itu, bible mempunyai banyak versi(revised version) manakala Al-Quran hanyalah satu, byk cetakan tetapi tetap sama selama 1400thn.
Apabila Al-Quran diturunkan, sahabat terus mencatit apa yang diturunkan wahyu tersebut,
dan di kalangan sahabat2, mereka mempunyai daya pengingatan yang kuat,
sehinggakan pada zaman jahiliah, orang-orang arab terkenal dgn sasteranya(seni bahasa arab itu sendiri) dan mereka mampu menghafal beratus-ratus bait syair.
Berbalik kepada bible pula, ia hanya ditulis seratus tahun selepas "kematian jesus".

Pada keseluruhannya, kami(Zahra) merasakan bahawa ceramah tersebut amat bermanfaat. Kami mempelajari beberapa isu yang kami tidak begitu faham pada mulanya. Ceramah tersebut boleh dikatakan interesting. Ramai orang barat sebenarnya yang memeluk agama Islam selepas mereka dihadiahkan AlQuran. Ataupun selepas mereka mengkaji dan membuat perbandingan di antara bible etc dan Al-Quran.


for En-naeem Youth Activists
20-22 March 09
@ Masjid Penempatan Sembawang

The Zahra committee members was invited to join this 3days,2night camp. All the other youth activists of En-Naeem was invited too.(eg. from Projek Azam and Al-Fataa). Its aims and objectives was to create a bridge of good bonding and spirit of ukhuwwah, to generate mutual understanding among each other who came from different kinds of background and also to nurture and illuminate the hearts with islamic spiritual needs. We, Zahra, learned a lot things throughout this camp. At the same time, we had so much fun! We bonded well with each other and we've missed the camp so fast! Various activities was conducted during the camp, having different objectives. Let's just keep this post a short and sweet one. I have to say Syabas to Ustaz Hanafi(YDO) for giving a good start for the youths to know each other. And it was a well done camp! We love it! And we look forward to upcoming camps and activities that will be installed for us. Thank you to those who made this camp a memorable, enjoyable and fruitful one.


Salam sisters!
YAY! we're on FACEBOOK!
Do add us up okays.
For those who've joined any of our events,
the photos will be uploaded there!
so check it okays!=)
and do write up something at the wall.


-kayaking adventure
14 March 09 @ Bedok Reservoir

Question:What will happen when there's A LOT OF CAMWHORERS?
Answer:There will be A LOT OF PHOTOS!!!
YES We took 100+ photos in just one day!
How crazy that was!
Check out the photos below!
But these photos are still not enough to show how fun it really was!


before the kayaking begins...

first, the front paddlers had to stand on the kayak
next was the back paddlers
ini contoh bagaimana org melayu berkayak....
dengan duduk bersila.haha!

after the kayaking ends...with the instructors

Alhamdulillah, the event was successful!
Everyone,seriously,each single one of us,felt the splash(got wet)!
Some even got drenched too(from head to toe)!
In short, the event was AWESOME,FUN,ENJOYABLE & etc
3 hours of kayaking was definitely not enough for-the fun
Its only enough for-its tiredness.hehe.

There's a moment,when a pair's kayak got capsized,
and the whole bunch of us(comm members&participants),
cheered for the pair and gave them support.
It's amazing!

There's 3 instructors that have been with us throughout the kayaking.
Mr SW.Uncle Lau.Mr Hamed.
They're cool and fun to be with.
They really did a great job!
Mr SW taught us the
one-star kayaking programme pedalling techniques as a bonus,
because he observed that we're fast learner!
Uncle Lau even praised us.
"All of you are one the best group i've taken!"
and he kept repeating that.
That's something nice to hear.
He was very supportive and even
wished us success for our upcoming events.
He loves seeing us having fun while playing.
Everyone was pleased with our performances and enthusiasm!

we would like to give a BIG THANKS to:
1) ustaz hnf(YDO) for the support and for helping us in behind the scenes of the event.
2) the committee members for the effort and hard work that have been inserted
3) the participants because YOU play a part in making this event a successful one!
4) the 3 instructors for having fun together with us, for guiding us,
for saving the pair, and to mr hamed, for taking photos for us!haha
5) all others who're involved:)

And we would like to say SORRY if at any point of the event,
we made a mistake or there's something that's lacking in any ways.
Insyaallah, we'll improve on our upcoming events!
(we might have an encore.hehe)
and lastly, do support in our upcoming events/activities!
p.s.someone brought a watergun to play during kayaking,
but ends up leaving the gun at mosque.hahaha!


looks like the committee members had not had enough of fun.
never too tired for more!hehe.
and so, we went for a bowling game.
just one game because some had to go off earlier.
the total points scored was NOT TRUE!
because during the game, the machine thingy 'ngengong',
so some of us got extra chance of throwing/rolling the balls.
so those who didn't get strike, suddenly can get strike.
Not fair right!haha!
By right, Hid got the highest point,
but since Hannah got the "fake strike",she overtook Hid's position.
Some of us actually still got the "sea mood" so it's like
the ball kept going to the side,
ends up to the drain.hahaha!
Dee played a "muslimah bowling" cause
she threw the ball so lemah lembut,sopan santun,
the ball roll slooooowly.lenggang kankung betul!


Muslim Thinkers Roadshow @ Persisi

On 28 February 09, the project team of En-Naeem mosque
had their first roadshow of Muslim Thinkers
and its being held at PERSISI.
The event was successful.Alhamdullilah!
The audience really nodded their heads,
concentrate when presentation and videos were shown.
We, from Zahra's side,would like to say SYABAS! to the team.
After the muslim thinkers presentation,
there were also an introduction on Project Azam.
And lastly, a photo session!:)
The Muslim thinkers roadshow is a platform
to create an awareness to the public
about the great muslim thinkers and their legacy(the paramount era).
when hundred of years ago our thinkers made
hundreds or even thousands of inventions.
It is also an outreach effort from ennaeem mosque
(rather than waiting for people to come to our mosque,we went to them).
We didnt realize that some of the things that we use
are the initial inventions of our great muslim thinkers.
For example pistons and cranks in cars and motor.
Do you know the first man to fly is a muslim? Yes, he was ibn Firnas!
Who made the guitar? It's Ibn Farabi!
So here are the things that we have to share to the people
who don't know the actual fact.
Every invention comes with a purpose and
we as the Khalifa must come up with the purpose to prosper the Alam.
By knowing the miraculous inventions..
we must be proud of our identity:)
The project was initiated to help low-income students cope with their education and life.
There are three sections to the project mainly,
Academic Tutoring, Religious Mentoring and Self Development Programmes.
"The launch of Project Azam at Persatuan Silat Singapura (Persisi) was such a great experience.
I was called up by Abg Wan to share with the students about what Project Azam was about.
I could see from their faces that they enjoyed my stories.
Now that school is over, I'll be working very closely with my counterpart from Persisi to make sure the program builds up and runs smoothly on their side.
Persisi will be making it compulsory for all Singapore Sports School Silat students to be part of Project Azam.
It seems their students are in a more dire situation.
I had a long conversation with the Director of Persisi, Sheikh Alauddin, on matters pertaining to social ethics, education and discipline that the students were boiled in.
He even commended on my talk, saying that the way I gave my talk was great for the students as I shared some real-life stories.
He even wanted me to be involved in more future such events.
That moment right there - talking to him - opened my eyes on how my efforts have spread and could possibly touch many more lives out there.
Hopefully, more kids will be motivated and inspired through this program."
-Bro Anwar-


thought of the day:
Everything Starts with Allah
How many times do we teach our children
that"A" stands for apple and "B" stands for Boy, etc.,
when we forget that "A" stands for Allah
and that everything starts with Him.




~Zahra presents: Feel The Splash!!!

To all young girls age between 14 and 23 yrs old.

This one-day event is full of energy and fun and of course,

SPLASHING of water!

To register, e-mail your full name, age

& handphone number to

zahra_ennaeem@hotmail.com now!

or, sms your full name and age to 91293713.

Lets get splashing! Lets get wet! Lets kayak!!!
Hurry! Register now!

Thanks for Rocking & Mov(i)e-ing with Zahra!

A HUGE thanks to ALL
who Rocked & Mov(i)ed with Zahra!!Syukrillah, Wassalam~



Zahra presents: Let's Rock & Mov(i)e it!
to all young girls age between 14 and 23 yrs old.

This one-day event is full of energy and fun.

To register, e-mail your full name and
handphone number to zahra_ennaeem@hotmail.com now!
or, sms your full name and handphone number to 98526921.
Let's Rock!
Let's Mov(i)e!

"Let's Rock & Mov(i)e it!"
Hurry! Register now!



Thanks to All the ladies
who graced the All Girls Affair Tea.
All your feedbacks are appreciated and
Insya Allah we will improve for the better.


All Girls Affair Tea Registration


Zahra presents: All Girls Affair Tea
to all young girls age between 14 and 21 yrs old.

Who says a girl in Tudong can't dress up?
Be amazed and the young girls strutting their
modest clothes on the runway.

To register, e-mail your full name and
handphone number to
sms your full name and handphone number to 98526921.

Hurry! Register now!

28 May 2009






