Alhamdullilah NEMC RYC 09' was a successful event!
Plus a blast one! thanks to those who came for this event.
And also to all the youth volunteers who've worked hard in
sacrificing your precious time and effort in planning for this camp
and helping out on the camp itself.
Semoga Allah membalas semua amal dan kebaikanmu. Amin.
Congrats to the other clusters too because their RYC was a blast one too!
Well, afterall it doesnt matter which RYC Cluster you went for,
but the most important thing was that,
you've flled up your time during Ramadhan with something beneficial and also,
you had widen your social circle, creating more ukhuwah between Muslims.
From strangers to friends and now to one FAMILY!=)
I shall say no more. Pictures speak a thousand words.

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