About Us

Welcome to Zahra En-Naeem's blog. 
Thank you for taking the time to visit us and we hope you'll benefit from our posts :)

We are female youth activists of En-Naeem Mosque. Formerly separate committees, Fataa and Zahra Ennaeem have joined forces this year to form one committee under En-Naeem Youth for better and stronger synergy in our future events.

Developing to be a Quality Muslim

QUALITY Congregation
When all Quality Muslims gathers together, they'll form a Quality Congregation

Zahra is the title given to the daughter of Rasulullah s.a.w., Fatimah Az-Zahra.
 زَهْرَةٌ means 'flower' in Arabic.


Our new logo consists of 3 interlinked flowers with heart-shaped petals of different shades of pink. The three shades of pink represent the 3 main roles a lady goes through in life: Daughter, Wife, Mother.

All of which, in Islam, plays different but extremely important roles and are given different (but not necessarily unequal) statuses in Islam, the highest being the mother. The three stages are interlinked because one stage cannot happen without the other, and have an enormous impact on each other and also to emphasise on the idea of 'sisterhood in Islam'.

The flower shape is chosen based on Ust Hanafi's request, and also because it is the most easily identifiable symbol of a woman throughout all of time. The heart-shaped petals represent the love and instant bond that sisters in Islam naturally have for one another ♥

1) To put forth an exemplary image of Muslim women regardless of age,
race and background to counter against the inaccurate images portrayed of us in the media

2) To inspire and motivate you to strive to become an excellent Muslimah in all aspects
(if you're a brother, we hope that you can help to motivate the beloved Muslimahs
in your life through our posts ;))

3) To update you of our ongoing and upcoming events, as well as other exciting events.

We are however, still learning and improving ourselves, so please do not hesitate to give sincere advice with proper adab to us :)

Our Movers and Shakers
@ 2010 Retreat 

(not all members are present)