This year,our brothers from Al-Fataa represented En-Naeem Mosque in MySpex09, in bowling and sepak takraw!
On 20June, Sat, the participants attended the official launch of MySpex09, that was held in SIH Auditorium.
Bowing team:
muhd hafiz
muhd saiful
muhd azam
muhd firdaus
mohd shahrul
Although they didnt get to bring anything back, we are still proud of them because they've shown their courage and skills and enthusiasm in participating the event. Well done guys! And we hope to see more interest in any of the upcoming events!
And for the other guys participating in sepak takraw that's going to be held at Cairnhill CC on 4th july, BEST OF LUCK!
And to other participants from other mosques,well done too!
and especially to the winning teams, SYABAS!
For More, please visit
you can even find and add them on facebook!
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