Indifference to others' acceptance or rejection is attained by patience and trust in Allah. - Shaykh Ahmad al Zarruq, excerpt from Pearls of Wisdom by Hafidh Iffath Hassan
I feel fortunate to have met some women in my life that remind me of Allah whenever I think of them.
One consistent factor amongst all these unrelated female acquaintances is their outstanding confidence and sense of purpose.
They seem to be completely at ease with themselves, the decisions they make and the occurrences in the world around them. The mentality they have is the epitome of healthy self-esteem.
When, where, and how does that happen?
It seems that the key to their success is their belief that only Allah matters. The opinion of others is not something that can harm them; they don't allow it to shake their core or ruin their day because they know, that ultimately, being patient and trusting wholly in Allah voids anything that anyone might say to them or think about them.
This is a powerful lesson because the knowledge of it serves as medicine for the societal ills like depression and low self-esteem, two sicknesses that plague American youth by the millions.
I pray that all of us can make Allah our 'best friend' so that it matters not whether our peers, colleagues, or society accepts or rejects us.
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